Youth Culture Inc. was created to support young people by bridging the gaps between youth and industry from a lens of diversity and inclusion.
Since June 2020, Youth Culture has been connecting with diverse youth across Canada and hearing their voices and journeys throughout the pandemic. Youth Culture continued to track the impact of COVID-19 on youth throughout the year of 2020. The purpose of the report is threefold:
1. Understand the pandemic from the point of view of diverse young people in Canada
2. Provide an opportunity for youth to share their voices on topics that matter
3. Share findings in order for Youth Culture and stakeholders to create meaningful and relevant support and youth engagement opportunities
As the pandemic continues, it’s clear that now more than ever, we need to be resilient and open to pivoting for youth to grow and progress within the current parameters and new realities. Through quantitative and qualitative engagement and learning, we’ve created this report to capture authentic voices that reflect the diverse journeys experienced during these unprecedented times.
The Take Action section suggests strategies for the sectors of government, industry, and education to support youth in meaningful and relevant ways through Youth Culture initiatives and beyond. Join us in Youth Culture’s journey to evolve strategies to reach youth from an equity, diversity and inclusion lens that supports young people—our future leaders and workforce.